The other day I blogged about how I don't like swimming, and I failed to mention one key point that a reader pointed out that I had forgotten.
Probably the worst part of swimming is that unless you leave the pool wearing flip flops, you will certainly get the dreaded swampfoot.
You know what I'm talking about. That whole thing where you get out of the shower, dry yourself off, balance on that little bench in the stall of the locker room and put one sock on with your pants halfway up trying not to let your pants touch the floor because the floor is all wet because of showers and swimmers, etc. and then when you are working so hard to keep one foot dry, you have to do this other dance of trying not to get your pant legs on the floor. Meanwhile, you have to catch your balance, which you inevitably lose. So you step on the floor with your socked foot and.... BAM. SWAMPFOOT.
The. Worst. Condition. Ever.
I don't know why it is so disgusting and painful to wear wet socks, but it is. It is HORRIBLE.
Oh, can't you just feel it? Remember when you wore socks and tennis shoes to Cedar Point because your mom made you and then you went on Thunder Canyon and for the rest of the day... squish squish squish squish...
I would complain, and my mom would just say, "Oh we'll just go on the swings to dry off." The swings do not cure swampfoot.
Now, my swimmer husband doesn't mind swampfoot. I do not understand this. In fact, I think it's a family condition because his family is half fish. I think they are amphibihoos. They must be. If there is a pool or lake within 100 miles, they will find it and enter no matter the obstacles, and swampfoot? No problem to him. Water on the floor after a shower? No big deal. Water all over the counter, his shirt front, the floor? No big deal. Steps in a puddle of milk Nolan left on the floor wearing only a sock? Doesn't even notice.
Now don't get me wrong, I like water as much as the next person. It just does not belong on the socks I am wearing.
Damn right I commented about swampfoot. the world needs to know of this deadly disease- errr... uncomfortable foot condition.