Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Things I like about the PNW

I like that everything is SO GREEN in the Pacific Northwest.
I like that when I'm there, I ALWAYS feel like curling up with a hot drink and a good book is a great idea, and I don't feel guilty if I spend a large amount of time curled up like that... because it's always rainy outside and cozy inside.
I like that the trees are HUGE.
I like that when the sun does come out, you're amazed at what is all around you, because when it's cloudy, you can't see it.
I like that three of my best girlfriends are there, and even though we haven't all been together in...years, when we went out for dessert one night and just sat down together, I felt like I was coming home.  Like we met for dessert every Tuesday night to hang out and cry and laugh and be just us... just those silly college girls who are grown ups now, who still talk about boys and the hurt they cause, still talk about dreams and how they might reach them, still gush about the beauty in people, and the joy in the every day.
I like that the people are mountain, adventurey, Denverish people who can live without 300+days of sunshine a year.
I like that it feels... friendly.  A little small town, but sophisticated and intelligent... I don't know, maybe it's that  whole "I like to sit around coffee shops writing, talking, and acting intellectual" thing it's got going for it.  I wonder if the fact that I like that culture makes me a snob.  Or if it makes me one of those people who "likes to sit around coffee shops writing, talking, and acting intellectual."  Even if I don't wear a beret or dress in all black.

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