Thursday, November 3, 2011

It's like Art, Not like Math...

Sometimes, in being a parent, a teacher, a wife, a writer... I think maybe if I can just put a squared plus b squared, it will be c squared.

The problem with that is that not all relationships are right triangles, so it doesn't really work.  It seems that everything I do must be treated more like a sculpture.  There are certain tried and true methods to chipping away at a piece of marble to get it to look the right way, but there will always be that point in which the rock falls at exactly the wrong angle or it seems as though the rock is just working against me.  And sometimes, I need to break free from wanting it to go exactly the way that I want it and sculpt along with the way the rock may fall away as I chisel.  I will do my best to use my tried and true methods, while attempting to let the 'chips fall as they may' at the same time.

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