Thursday, October 20, 2011

Fertilizer---When life is like a pile of cow manure…

I used to live across the street from a dairy farm when I was a kid.  I remember asking my mom what those huge stinky round covered tarps were.  I could not believe it when she told me.

“That’s cow manure, honey.”

“What’s manure?”

“Cow poop.”

“Cow poop!?”

“Why is Mr. Heimerdinger saving it under those big tarps?”

“Well, he’ll use it to help his crops grow and other farmers will buy it from him to fertilize their fields.”

“He sells poop?”



But now that I think about it, what a brilliant, incredible design God created.  Nothing is wasted.  Everything that cow puts in his body either gets used as energy by the cow or gets crapped out and used by the earth to grow plants and provide food for people or animals. 

God did this everywhere; look at the water cycle, the trees in the fall, the way the earth spins so that every part of the earth gets day and night.  Nothing gets wasted.
Think about growing.  What makes plants grow?  What makes the soil have the right pH balance and all of that?  Feces.  Decaying organic matter.  Worm poop.  Used coffee grounds.
What if God made us the same way?  What if God made our lives like that?  What if God provides the manure of life to help us grow? 

Think about the last time you changed something about your life.  I’ll bet what motivated that change was something that my friend, Mike, calls “The Suck Factor.”  Mike’s suck factor theory goes like this: We won’t change unless the amount our lives suck is greater when our lives stay the same than if our lives change.
So… the last time you changed something was when you figured ‘it’s going to continue to suck if I continue to do this, but if I change this, then it may not suck as badly.’  

That's the way it is for me... I change and grow most when God 'fertilizes' me.  
Oh poop... There's just so much to it.

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